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Frise Et Lise
Vračilo  | Izdelki za nohte Ženske Set za manikuro Ženske Set za manikuro Frise Et Lise
Lepota Ženske Set za manikuro Frise Et Lise Nagelschere Drugo
Partnerski izdelek
Lepota Ženske Set za manikuro Frise Et Lise Nagelschere Drugo


5,44 € Partnerski izdelek
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-10% dodatnega popusta na ta izdelek z Spartoo Premium ali 0,54 € popusta Želim izkoristiti>
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Referenca izdelka: 27690944
Discover perfection in nail care with Frise and Lise's Nail Scissors. Precision-cutting blades ensure flawless results, even on tough toenails. The integrated screw and stopper provide unparalleled accuracy. Achieve impeccable, crack-free nails effortlessly. Immerse yourself in the excellence of nail care with Frise and Lise's Nail Scissors. Crafted for impeccable cutting, these scissors feature high-quality blades ensuring exceptional precision, even on resilient toenails. The integrated screw and stopper provide unmatched control, guaranteeing a clean cut effortlessly.Frise and Lise's Nail Scissors stand out with meticulous construction and an ergonomic design. The adjustable screw allows optimal customization to suit your cutting preferences. This attention to detail makes these scissors the perfect tool for a professional at-home manicure.Elevate your nail care routine to new heights with scissors that don't break, split, or crush nails. Experience the most precise cutting, leaving your nails flawless and ready to impress. Frise and Lise's Nail Scissors are more than a beauty tool they embody elegance and quality in the realm of nail care.
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